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Text File | 1991-09-26 | 32.2 KB | 1,015 lines |
- - D o c u D r a f t r -
- __________________________
- Document Assembly System
- (The Electronic Forms Library)
- for the
- Copyright 1990
- William W. Blackledge
- 3704 Edgewater Drive
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- 73116
- (405) 840-3563
- ***************************************
- ***************************************
- Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- Summary of PC-LIBRARY'S Features . . 2
- PC-LIBRARY Program Startup . . . . . 4
- Variable Files . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Text Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- Source Text Rules . . . . . . . . . 10
- ***************************************
- WordStar is a trademark of WordStar International Incorporated.
- WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation.
- VDE Editor is copyrighted by Eric Meyer of Boulder, Colorado
- PC-Write is a trademark of Quicksoft.
- FriendlyWriter is a trademark of Friendly Soft Inc.
- Copyright 1990
- William W. Blackledge
- 3704 Edgewater Drive
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- 73116
- (405) 840-3563
- PC-LIBRARY is a companion program to the DocuDraftr PC-
- FORMS program. It is used to create and maintain the
- Forms Libraries used with PC-FORMS for document assembly.
- The program assists the user in creating variable files
- for Forms Libraries after the text sections have been
- entered in the ".LEX" files with their .TXn heading/index
- lines. It also assists in up-dating the variable file for
- a particular Library after text and/or variable names have
- been added.
- In addition, the PC-LIBRARY program, PCLB.EXE, may be used
- to print, or to create files containing, the Text Indexes,
- the Text Library, the Variable Prompts and the Variable
- Help Messages from a DocuDraftr Forms Library. These
- lists can be used to collect information from clients for
- a particular document. They may also be used to provide
- instructions to a secretary or typist for completing the
- document.
- This program automatically links to the WordStar, Word-
- Perfect, VDE, PC-Write or FriendlyWriter word processing
- program if it is in the same directory with one of those
- programs. If linked with WordPerfect the CONVERT.EXE
- program file of that system must be in the same directory.
- If linked with FriendlyWriter a special conversion pro-
- gram, FWCNV.EXE by the author of the DocuDraftr programs,
- must be installed.
- 1
- The program will access only those library files (with
- the .VBL and .LEX suffixes) which are in the current
- working directory so you must change to that directory
- before starting the program.
- PC-LIBRARY is started by entering the command "PCLB" at
- the DOS prompt. The opening screen displays a list of the
- forms libraries available in the current directory. The
- user is asked to enter a form name or, if help is desired,
- a question mark.
- Entering a question mark displays the general program help
- file FMHELP.MSG which may be browsed more conveniently
- from the PC-FORMS program. You may read the help messages
- a screen at a time in the PC-LIBRARY program but you
- cannot scroll backwards in the messages as is permitted in
- PC-FORMS. The <ESCAPE> key is used to exit the help
- screen.
- After entering a form name the PC-LIBRARY menu screen
- appears with the following options:
- 1. Text Index for <formname>
- 2. Text Library for <formname>
- 3. Variable Prompts for <formname>
- 4. Variable Help for <formname>
- 5. Quit - Start Another Form
- 6. Quit - Exit to Word Processor
- 2
- Your selections are made from this menu by entering the
- appropriate numeral. Selections 1, 3 and 4 create files
- listing the contents of the index, prompt and help sec-
- tions, respectively, of the variable file for the desig-
- nated forms library.
- The Text Library selection, (Selection 2), is used for
- creating a file of the text sections in the .LEX files of
- a forms library. While doing so, a numbered blank is
- placed in the text for each variable name and the variable
- prompt for that name is numbered with the number of that
- blank. This makes it possible to dictate or list the
- responses for each variable by number. These prompt
- numbers are displayed as the document is being assembled.
- The program also saves the text heading lines in alphabet-
- ical and numeric sequence as it proceeds through the .LEX
- files with the file and selection numbers related to them.
- This information is used to update the index section of
- the variable file.
- When the Text Library file is completed the program asks
- the user if he, or she, desires to update the variable
- file for the designated forms library. A (Y)es answer
- results in the program renaming the old variable file with
- a .BAK suffix. It then creates a new variable file con-
- taining the following information:
- 3
- 1. In the Prompt section (.QN heading line) the variable
- prompts are numbered in sequence as they appear in
- the text sections.
- 2. In the Help section (.HP heading line) the variable
- help messages are listed in alphabetical sequence
- according to the first letter of the variable name.
- 3. In the Index section (.IX heading line) the text
- heading lines are listed in numeric and alphabetical
- sequence.
- These files can be revised to fit the needs of a particu-
- lar forms library using a word processor capable of pro-
- ducing a plain ASCII text file. For Example, the user may
- wish to include capitalized headings in the Text Indexes
- to assist the user in selecting text sections for inclu-
- sion in a document.
- This concludes the summary of PC-LIBRARY'S features. The
- remainder of this manual consists of detailed instructions
- for the use of PC-LIBRARY users who want more information
- about how the program works.
- The PC-LIBRARY program is started by entering "PCLB" at
- the DOS prompt. If you do not include a form name the
- program will ask for one.
- The following are correct start-up entries at the DOS
- prompt for the PC-LIBRARY program:
- C>pclb
- or
- C>pclb wills
- 4
- The PC-LIBRARY program will display on the screen and
- store in a file one or more sections of a forms library
- variable file. The output file is named with the form
- name plus one of the following suffixes:
- .INX - for the Text Indexes,
- .TXT - for the Text Library,
- .PMT - for the Variable Prompts and
- .HLP - for the Variable Help Messages.
- If requested, these files may be printed as they are being
- prepared. If the user has a word processor, it is recom-
- mended that they be printed using it.
- After the PC-LIBRARY program is started and a form name
- entered the following menu is displayed:
- 1. Text Indexes for <formname>
- 2. Text Library for <formname>
- 3. Variable Prompts for <formname>
- 4. Variable Help for <formname>
- 5. Quit - Start Another Form
- 6. Quit - Exit to Word Processor
- The Text Library routine substitutes a numbered blank for
- each variable name in the library files. It assigns the
- number to the prompt for that variable. The text is then
- revised and saved in a file with its menu and text selec-
- tion numbers shown in the heading. While doing this the
- 5
- program saves numeric and alphabetical listings of the
- text headings with which to up-date the variable file if
- asked to do so. This means that the language of the text
- headings should be selected carefully with the knowledge
- that it will be used as an index line to that section of
- text in the variable file.
- The Text Library routine of the PC-LIBRARY program also
- may be used to enter or update variable prompts in the
- variable file for a particular forms library. That rou-
- tine checks for a prompt for each variable name in the
- forms library. If no prompt is found for a variable in
- the variable file the user is asked to enter one. At the
- end of the routine the user may then instruct the program
- to update the variable file.
- After you have prepare new text files, or added variable
- names to existing ones, you should run the Text Library
- routine. It will number the variables in sequence and ask
- you to input prompts for those without prompts in the
- variable file. After updating the prompt section of the
- file you can then add help messages in the help section of
- the variable file for the new variables, if desired.
- There is one variable file for each forms library. This
- file is named with the formname followed by the suffix
- ".VBL". The file contains a section of variable prompts
- 6
- headed by the dot command ".QN", a section of variable
- help messages headed by the dot command ".HP" and a sec-
- tion of the text heading lines in numeric and alphabetical
- sequence headed by the dot command .IX. Each time a
- GLOBAL VARIABLE appears in the selected text, the prompt
- for that variable will be displayed unless a response for
- it was entered previously.
- Each time a LOCAL VARIABLE appears in the text the user
- will be prompted for a response for that variable in that
- text. If the variable name begins with a punctuation mark
- other than a question mark or the tilde (~) character, the
- user will be reminded of the previous entry for the varia-
- ble and permitted to retain it or change it. If the
- variable name begins with the tilde (~) character the
- Standard Response shown in the prompt section of the
- variable file for that name will be displayed and the user
- permitted to retain or change it.
- Each prompt is entered in this file on the line immediate-
- ly after the line containing the variable name in curly
- braces.
- The help sections of variable files contain brief state-
- ments for each variable name explaining what data should
- be entered in response to the prompt for that variable.
- These messages must also be entered in the file on the
- 7
- line immediately following a line containing the variable
- name in curly braces. The variable help messages are not
- required for the program to run properly. If there is no
- help message for a variable name the user will be advised
- of that fact if help is requested for it.
- Text files are named with a form name of six or less
- characters plus a two-digit number plus the suffix '.LEX'.
- The files supplied with the programs should demonstrate
- most of the features of the system. They may be used as
- templates for the development of other user-prepared
- files. There may also be a sample file called
- SAMPLE01.LEX on the disk which you may use as a template
- to create a Forms Library.
- Text files may begin with one or more dot command lines
- for formatting the documents. A format line in this sec-
- tion of the text file will be applicable to all of the
- following text sections unless a different format line is
- included in them.
- Each text section of these files begins with a .TX number
- followed by one or more asterisks and a heading/index line
- in capital letters followed by one or more asterisks. The
- file may contain WordStar, Version 3.3, dot command lines
- for formatting the final document. If you use WordPerfect
- as your word processor and the DocuDraftr programs are
- 8
- linked with it these codes are converted to WordPerfect
- codes when your listing or document is complete.
- If WordStar dot commands are used in the text files they
- will be passed through to the output document without
- modification. In addition, the programs utilize the .FT
- command line to display a formatting ruler line consisting
- of a capital L for the Left Margin marker, a capital P for
- the Paragraph Margin marker, a capital R for the Right
- Margin marker, exclamation marks for regular tab stops and
- the number mark # for decimal tab stops.
- Following are some of the dot commands which may be incor-
- porated in the text files:
- .FT followed by a format ruler line.
- .HE followed by a header line for each page.
- .FO followed by a footing line for each page.
- .MTn for number of lines in top margin.
- .MBn for number of lines in bottom margin.
- .HMn for number of lines between heading and text.
- .FMn for number of lines between footing and text.
- .PLn for number of total lines per page.
- .POn for number of characters to offset left margin.
- Text files must be in ASCII characters. The document
- format section is not required in every file. In Versions
- prior to 4.0 the special ".FT" dot command was required to
- 9
- be the first line in the file or the first line after a
- ".TXn" command line. This is not required in later ver-
- sions.
- The following are the rules which must be followed in the
- preparation of the source text section of text files:
- 1. The text must be in ASCII characters.
- 2. Paragraphs and lines which stand alone, such as for
- 4. The text within a paragraph may be arranged for
- display right-justified by the insertion of not more
- than one extra space between words and an unlimited
- number after any period, colon, exclamation mark or
- question mark. These extra spaces are removed by the
- revision process.
- 5. Variable names must be enclosed in curly braces and
- must not exceed 23 characters in length, including
- the curly braces. If the first character after the
- first brace is the greater-than sign ">" the response
- 10
- will be centered on the page. THE VARIABLE NAME MUST
- 6. If the first character of the variable name is a
- question mark the variable prompt will be displayed
- for a new response each time the variable name ap-
- pears in later text sections. This type of variable
- name is for use in sections of text which may be
- repeated in the output document where the variable
- response will not be based on the user's previous
- response.
- 7. If the first character of the variable name is a
- tilde (~) character the line following the name will
- be displayed as a standard variable response each
- time the name appears in a Forms Library. This type
- of variable name may be used in forms libraries for
- information such as names and addresses which will
- usually be inserted in the documents prepared with
- PC-FORMS. The PC-FORMS program permits the standard
- response to be changed for a specific document during
- document preparation.
- 8. If the first character is a non-alphanumeric charac-
- ter other than a question mark (including >), the
- user's previous response to the variable prompt will
- 11
- be displayed each time the name appears in later
- sections of text. The user will be given an opportu-
- nity to retain or change the earlier response. This
- type of variable name is used where the name may
- appear in later sections of text and the response
- should be based on the user's previous response. An
- example of such use would be for Article, Paragraph
- or Section Headings.
- 9. Other dot commands may appear in the format section
- of the file or in a text section. Dot commands may
- not appear within a paragraph of text since, if
- placed there, they will be merged with the text when
- it is revised.
- 10. Permissable format line characters include the fol-
- lowing:
- L = Left Margin
- P = Paragraph Margin
- ! = Ordinary Tab Stop
- # = Decimal Tab Stop
- R = Right Margin (also a Tab Stop)
- - = Spacing (Fill) Characters
- If your word processor supports hanging indents, as the
- latest versions of WordStar do, you can use the paragraph
- margin to begin the first line of each paragraph to the
- left of the left margin, leaving the paragraph number in
- the margin. You must remember to re-configure the word
- 12
- processor for this style of paragraphs before revising the
- document with it.
- The numbered paragraphs above are examples of text done
- with hanging indents.
- ###
- 13
- Arranging Text for Display, 10
- Asterisks in Text Heading Lines, 8
- Beginning Text Sections in Variable Files, 8
- Characters in Text Library Files, 10
- Contents of Variable Files, 4
- Coversion of Document to WordPerfect, 9
- Creating Variable Files, 1
- Dot Command Lines, WordStar Vers. 3.3, 8
- Dot Commands in Text Files, 8, 12
- Entering or Updating Variable Prompts, 6
- Entering Prompts in the Variable Files, 7
- Entering Variable Help Messages
- in Variable Files, 7
- Exiting the Help Screen, 2
- Extra Spaces in Text Selections, 10
- Files
- Text Index, 1
- Text Library, 1
- Variable Help, 1
- Variable Prompt, 1
- First Character of Local Variable Names, 11
- Format Line in Variable Files, 8
- Forms Libraries Available, 2
- General Program Help File, 2
- Global Variables, 7
- Heading/Index Lines, 1
- Index Section, 7
- Local Variables, 7
- Menu of PC-LIBRARY Program, 5
- Menu Screen, 2
- Modifying Variable Files, 4
- Naming Text Files, 8
- Numbered Blanks in Text Library, 3
- Opening Screen, 2
- PC-LIBRARY Menu, 5
- PC-LIBRARY Output Files, 5
- Permissable format line characters, 12
- 14
- Question Mark for Help, 2
- Selection of Text Headings, 6
- Selections from Menu, 3
- Standard Response, 7
- Starting PC-LIBRARY, 2
- Start-up Entries, 4
- Suffixes of Output Files, 5
- Terminating Lines within Paragraphs, 10
- Terminating Paragraphs, 10
- Text heading lines, 3
- Text Headings
- Alphabetical Listings, 6
- Numeric Listing, 6
- Text Index Files, 1
- Text Library Files, 1
- Text Library Routine, 5
- Text Library Selection, 3
- Updating Index Section of Variable Files, 3
- Updating the Variable File, 6
- Updating Variable Files, 1
- Use of Hanging Indentation, 12
- Variable Help Message Files, 1
- Variable Help Section, 7
- Variable Names, 10
- Variable Prompt Files, 1
- Variable Prompts Numbered, 3
- Variable Prompts Section, 6
- WordStar,
- Version 3.3, Dot Command Lines, 8
- .FT Command Line for Formatting, 9
- 15